Jewish Matchmaker Site Average ratng: 3,6/5 6503 reviews

Jewish dating can now be easier and enjoyable for everyone! On NishmatNetwork, your ability to have your own Jewish matchmaker, who work on your behalf, costs no more than a typical dating site, but with most of the benefits of a high end professional matchmaker. The Jewish matchmaking site is created to help find a spouse and build a Jewish family based on traditional Jewish values.

Modern Day Jewish Matchmaking That Actually Works

Traditionally, when one would hear that a yenta was around, they would tend to avoid them due to their gossiping nature. Now, we see the word used to describe a Jewish matchmaker of sorts and relish the Yenta’s arrival as we know that very soon, they will help us find a match and end our days of unsuccessful dating. That’s the role we here at Yenta have taken on; successfully matching today’s Jewish singles and ending those tiresome days of dating forever.

The Yenta Philosophy

Yenta is the leading Jewish matchmaking site devoted to helping our members find true love and companionship. Our site is easy to use and our services are free of charge for any of our members. We truly care about everyone we meet and it is our mission to match them with the person they were meant to spend the rest of their life with.

Scientifically Proven Results

Gone are the days of dating sites that only serve to take your money and leave you heartbroken. Yenta is the only Jewish matchmaker site that uses historic Shadchen algorithms to find the perfect match every time. If you are tired of searching for your soulmate, consult the Yenta today and find the person you were meant to be with.

From our helpful blog full of informational articles and advice, to our industry exclusive Get Matched form that takes just a moment to fill out and gives us all of the information we need to find your perfect match, the Yenta will be right there by your side helping you find true love.

About The Yenta

Shalom, my name is Dakotta (Mal’achi) and I’m a modern day Yenta (Jewish Matchmaker).

My spiritual practice is reform/conservative Judaism and I’m highly active in Jewish Education and Tikun Olam. I do not have a home base (that’s right, I live out of a suitcase and travel).

Since I am a digital nomad, my home base is my laptop and the nearest wifi spot. When I had a home base (many moons ago), I was part of the Young Adult Leadership Committee at Congregation Emanu-El & the membership committee at Congregation Sherith Israel. Additionally, I organized the Young Jewish Professional Network in SF, the LGBT Jewish Network in SF and globally, also organize a lot of cross-over event programming promotion for American Jewish World Services, The SF Jewish Federation and various other Jewish organizations and synagogues like Chabad SF. My passion is helping and connecting people.

Professionally, I work as a globalbranding and HR consultant which help companies create talent strategy maps. I have also published four books with great accolades, started a few start-ups and did a lot of fun projects, which has allowed me to travel to over 76 countries and eventually led me to creating a documentary (Jews Gone Wild…kidding).

Academically, I have a BS in Organizational Management, completed my Masters of Divinity with extensive coursework in Judaism and Islamic Studies. I started my studies at the Claremont Colleges then went to The Graduate Theological Union and UC Berkeley and finished my last year at the Gregoriana in Rome (The Vatican’s Seminary). My research the past 5 years has been on understanding how religion affects ethics in multinational organizations.

Back to the fun stuff…

Why would I be a good person to help you find a mate?
a) I’ve gone on a lot of dates (experience)
b) I’ve had a lot of failures (more experience)
Look at it this way; if I were to have specialized in ‘dating’ academically, I would be a tenured professor.

But really, I’m pretty good at matching people, however, compatibility comes out during your first meeting. Professional and academic experience has been to provide empathy and listen to what individuals need and help them achieve that result.

What’s next?

Well, if you’re interested in being part of my private database we need to meet in person. I do not match people I have not met in person (think about it, would you want to be setup with someone that your matchmaker has never met? How scary movies are made.

Jewish matchmaker ca

Anyway, the process takes less than 15 minutes and is a simple procedure of me taking your picture and asking you a few questions. Then you get stored in my EverNote software system and when I find a match I will email you and the person I feel you would be a match for, sharing your photos and how you answered the questions. After that, it’s up to you to make the next step on emailing each other and getting to know each other and see if there is a true fit and instigate further conversation or a meeting.


As you working with me, I would expect you to let me know when you’re ‘off the market’. I don’t work with swingers or people in open relationships or poly-relationships (there is nothing wrong with that, but it makes my matching way more difficult, but interesting… hmmm)

Also, if and when you do receive personal matches from me, I do expect you to respond to me if it’s not a fit so I can let the other person know or you can do it yourself since when I do a match, you will be on the same email.

I don’t expect every email match to be perfect, after all how many times have we not fallen for people have looked ‘good on paper’. As you probably know, dating is a numbers game in today’s age and having personal introductions always make it less awkward.

Jewish Matchmaker Ca

Want to meet-up? Please contact me.

Jewish Matchmaker Sites

End the dating cycle and start your journey to true love today; contact the Yenta and experience a better way to find your match!